The House Republicans are planning to change their rules to allow Tom Delay to continue to serve as House Republican Leader even if he's indicted in Austin for various illegal fundraising activities. Some of his associates have already been indicted by the same grand jury that is expected to force him to trial.
The Morally Superior Party (just ask them) squawked LOUDLY to have rules to force Dan Rostenkowski (D-IL) to step down as House Ways & Means chairman in 1993 because of ethics violations.
Yet, in typical Republican "We're morally superior to you, so the laws don't apply to US" fashion, they are working to change the rules so DeLay can continue to run the House (you DON'T think Hastert is REALLY in charge, do you?) while under indictment.
Is there nothing that the Dems can do? Tom DeLay will probably get away with everything and it is just so wrong.
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