Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Wake Up Everybody! It's the God Gap!

According to a Washington Post story today, this election may have served as a wake-up for liberal and moderate Christians regarding THEIR values and how their message is getting out.

According to Perriello, liberal religious groups registered 500,000 new voters, made 400,000 get-out-the-vote phone calls, and raised $1.75 million for newspaper and radio ads during the campaign. But he said the post-election poll found that 71 percent of voters had heard from the religious right while 38 percent said they had heard from the religious left.

Well, it's a start!


Steve Steffens said...

I agree, but these people are not using logic or reason. Actually, their main goal is to STOP all non-procreative sex, ESPECIALLY outside marriage.

They want to be able to proclaim moral superiority when, in fact, their idea have lost everywhere around the world EXCEPT where enforced by the barrel of a gun or by a sword.

12kosekose said...

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