Not ALL of them, however, as this poster contends:
Ford came to one of the first public fora sponsored by the Music Row Democrats and spoke. During that speech he tried to rationalize his vote for the Iraq War: "We were wrong. We thought Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, but unfortunately we were wrong."
(The DLC-ers weren't wrong. They ALL knew better. They just voted for the war for a whole bunch of OTHER reasons.)
In any event, a few minutes later in that same speech Ford said, "I believe that we are safer with Saddam gone."
I wanted to ask the SOB how we could be safer with Saddam gone, when the evidence showed that a) He had no WMD and b) he had no Al Queda ties.
The point is, he completely contradicted himself logically in his speech by mouting nothing but conventional, DLC-talking point, platitudes that made no logical sense.
During that same speech last spring, Ford had the nerve to caution moderation in Democrats' criticism of Bush (the typical DLC approach.) He even went on to shame Democrats who were too angry with Bush, saying that anger wasn't going to get the Democratic Party anywhere.
Soon after, someone in the audience got up, and right to his face said, "I don't know about you, Congressman Ford, but I AM ANGRY. And I'm not going to apologize for it. After seeing what Bush has done over the last three years, how can anyone help but be angry?"
The 200 + people in attendance, at that point, gave that woman a rousing ovation, and Ford, momentarily was left looking like the fool he is.
It has been suggested that Bill Purcell has been considering the race with or without Ford in it; however, Jackson Baker, who first reported this in the Memphis Flyer, now says it is less likely in this week's politics column.
Ford is the likely nominee unless Purcell gets in, but i have SERIOUS doubts that he can win statewode.
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