Monday, June 06, 2005

Come Strong or Don't Bother

To those who are running for chair of the SCDP, I have one word:


What these chairmanship races are about is who can turn out the most people; one of the reasons that you see the same people again and again is that they know how to find people in every precinct who can A) get elected as a delegate and then B) vote for the people who will go to the Executive Committee and elect them as Chair.

Two years ago, it was the closest race in history, a one-vote margin. If one is running this time, it would help to A) have developed a good organization or B) become good friends with someone who has done so. It does help to bring new faces into an old organization; if you have done several conventions, as I have, one gets tired of it, even if it IS only once every two years.

In order for any one of the announced candidates to get an edge prior to the convention, one should have a PUBLIC show of strength by having all the elected officials and activists at a rally in your behalf. Watch for this to happen; if no one does in advance, then this race is wide open, and ANY ONE can win, because, it's always who shows up "fustest with the mostest".

1 comment:

Richmond said...

Naturally, I think you ought to run as the bluntness you trumpet as per Howard Dean needs to be part of local issues as well. That's especially the case given the John Ford, everyone else business and its potential impact on county and state government, to say nothing of Jr.'s Senate race. I also know that you're tired of the "law and sausage" aspect of the business; for that, God knows I don't blame you.
