Monday, July 13, 2015

What If I Told You

Time for another one of these

What if I told you that a life of Public Service can mean many things to many people?
Is it being a community organizer in a fairly well off Democratic neighborhood?
Is it running campaigns for candidates that are dedicated to Democrat values?
Is it being the chosen one of the business class of a district?
Is it being an advocate for under served constituencies, fighting to have their voices heard to effect much needed changed?
What if I told you that "This is not your time, let XXX run, it's his/her turn" limits choice and the chance for change?
What if I told you that youthful insurgents have helped carry our banner and effect change?
What if I told you that a person of 30 can have lived and experienced more than a person of 40?
What if a certain 32 year old had listened to that in Arkansas?
What if a certain 36 year old had listened to that in California?
What if a certain 41 year old had listened to those calls in Illinois?
What if I told you that public service means fighting for things we don't know we need, before we find out we need them after horrible tragedies?
What if I told you that shining a light on city government and its disengagement from the people is public service?
What if I told you that organizing and fighting for Democratic values is public service?
What if we had a candidate that will campaign throughout the city, not just for their own benefit, but for the benefit of all Democrats?
What if we had a candidate that will fund raise and make connections throughout the county and country in order to shine a positive light on the city and what it can do?
What if I told you that Republicans are loving the infighting going on in the Democratic party because they feel that makes it easier for them to win?
What if I told you that sniping and innuendo against those that once supported you will result in a loss of that support in the future?
What if I told you that change is coming?
Will you fight it and lose, and set what should be the dominant faction in this county from being what it should be?
Or, will you embrace the change, move to strengthen and protect it, realizing that happiness comes from a legacy you lay down of helping others succeed, not from awards you yourself receive?

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