Friday, May 28, 2010

Yes, Hell Week is at end and Memorial Day is upon us

If you want to know what I am doing this weekend, go to STP and check out this story and scary picture from Trace.

Also, I used to watch Sex and The City on HBO, one of only two known straight men to have ever watched it, the other being my attorney.  SATC2 is out, and you HAVE to read this review, this may even top the Tom Shales reviews of Kathie Lee Gifford's Christmas specials.

Go back to STP to see how the Senate GOP wants to slash money to prevent infant mortality; those sons of bitches had better NEVER refer to anyone as a baby-killer again without looking in the mirror.  A Pox upon all of them of locusts, frogs, and sores.

And now, I get ready for the weekend with a Feel Good Friday, because I will feel good around 8 PM tonight:


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