Friday, August 10, 2007

Yeah, I'm endorsing Desi Franklin for Council, why do you ask?


callmeishmael said...

She had the Christmas party a couple of years back, right? If so, hope she wins.

Anonymous said...

LWC kind of off topic but Patrick Cooper is still leading the incumbent Mayor in internal polls down in Birmingham. I went with my g/f's parents to a dinner/rally he had a few days ago down there and Ive never saw such an excited base. When they werent chanting impeach Bush, they were chanting lets beat Mayor Bernard Kincaid(D)! Politics sure is a strange business....

My Uncle Used To Love Me But She Died said...

I'm not discounting your endorsement of Desi Franklin but I am a Democrat and have seen our party sold out on the national level by people who claim to be Democrats but, in action, seem to be "undercover republicans."

The fact that Ms Franklin is a partner in Baker Donelson, one of the biggest, most republican and "corporatist" law firms in the country gives me great cause for concern.

Will you please tell me more about why she deserves my vote, about how I can trust her to adhere to true Democratic principles and not be a shill for developers and corporatists as the fight between "we the people" and the elite continues.

I appreciate your response.

Unknown said...

I have no doubt that she's a democrat. But it does concern me that the very first item on her platyform statement is:

"Partnerships between business and government for increased economic development."

That is the major part of the problem here in Memphis. Don't need any more, thank you.