Wednesday, May 27, 2009

There is nothing more infuriating than someone who has gone thru discrimination to come out in support of it.

I am going to put this in as simple terms as I can. I don't care what your religion is, I don't care what your beliefs are, if you say something as stupid as this, I am calling you a BIGOT:

At the news conference, pastor after pastor repeated the idea that homosexuality can't be compared to discrimination on the basis of race.

"Homosexuality is a choice. Race is not," said Steve Gaines of Bellevue Baptist Church in Cordova, one of the white ministers who spoke. Gaines said it's an insult to black people to compare the struggle for gay rights with what black people went through.

"I feel deep in my heart that this is a gay agenda," said Rev. Andrew Jackson, the African-American senior pastor with Faith Temple Ministries, a Church of God in Christ congregation in South Memphis. "It has nothing to do with civil rights or equal rights."

That is idiotic and BIGOTED. Period. It is a moral disease known as homophobia, and shows an appalling lack of understanding WHY the major theistic religions attack those who are gay.
You're going to tell me with a straight face (no pun intended) that the leaders of these religions, thousands of years ago, didn't look at each other and think, "If men are having sex with men, then they're not creating potential new members of the flock and the other religions will outbreed us", then you haven't been paying attention.
I don't care which scripture you proclaim, if it's got an anti-gay screed, it's BIGOTRY.
And yet, these men claim to represent their deity. They do more to injure Christianity in this country more than any Muslim terrorist ever could. What these men do is sickening to the soul and it's BIGOTRY. Period.
For an even better piece, go read Tom at Smart City, he knocks it out of the park.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As always, the Cracker expresses the issue forcefully and for once, he separates various segments of Christian faith into their proper categories of disagreement. He does not condemn all Christians as bigots or fools or ignoramuses who only need to come to their senses and forego "God" as an antiquated concept. He understands that God has been a source of mystery, curiosity and questing for 5,000 years and that lo and behold, there might be different ways of expressing encounters with "Being-Itself" that root themselves in cultural symbols that change from era to era and place to place.
The Cracker is wrong on most matters, but here, he does himself and his cause an admirable service.