Thursday, September 03, 2015

Cohen endorses the Mayor for re-election

I have heard that my friend and Congressman, Steve Cohen, has chosen to endorse AC Wharton for re-election.  He has endorsed Mayor Wharton each time he has run for County or City Mayor, which is his right to do so.

Funny thing, though.  I can't EVER remember Mayor Wharton returning the favor when the Congressman has sought re-nomination and re-election.  Mayor Wharton seems to be afraid of offending people, people who have never done as much for the Mayor as the Congressman has done for him.

I don't understand it, I am not joining him in that effort, but I respect his right to do so and will continue to support my friend and Congressman.

It would just be nice, next year, if the Mayor does manage to win re-election, if he would remember the man that helped put him there.


Kevin Gallagher said...

Actually, he endorsed him the first time in '06. I remember the press conference with wharton and herenton. We used footage in a commercial. But otherwise, I see your point.

Kevin Gallagher said...

Actually, he endorsed him the first time in '06. I remember the press conference with wharton and herenton. We used footage in a commercial. But otherwise, I see your point.