Monday, November 03, 2008


It's 9:40 P.M. CST as I start this, and I believe, if all goes as I think it will, 24 hours from now, we will be celebrating the most important victory for this country since June 6, 1944.

Tomorrow will determine if this country gets back on the right track and begins to restore its place in the world, or continues to degenerate into a backwards third-world banana republic.


I salute my Democratic brothers and sisters fighting here and in battleground states to save this republic with the election of Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

We need to win BIG, to obliterate, eviscerate and destroy the sick creature the once-proud Republican Party has become. We need to get to 60 in the Senate (NOT counting Joementum, thank you) and have a 75-seat margin in the House.

We need to maintain our Democratic majority in the State House and take back the State Senate from Ron Ramsey and his ilk.

We need to elect a real leader like Paul Shaffer to the City Council.


Nothing is impossible, we just have to do it.



David Holt said...

75? BS!!! I want 100!!! And Saxby is going down! Max gets his revenge in the runoff!!!

Sharon Cobb said...

I'm having a slight meltdown.
I've been pacing all night waiting to go vote and I still have another hour or so to go pace in line before the polls open.

It's like I've spent 8 years without taking a day off, today is finally here and I'm...well, just pacing and want it to be tonight and hear "President elect Obama!"

BTW--how's Mike holding up? I spoke to him the other night and he told me some of the nastiness is opponent is pulling.

callmeishmael said...

If Obama wins and does so by a fairly large EC margin, he will have an opportunity to reshape more than the country and its "policies," but more importantly, the manner in which we understand ourselves to be Americans and human beings. He will be pushed, haunted and prodded by the "liberalists" who are more interested in revenge and policy righteousness (disguised as "justice") than in community. A President Obama will also be hounded by the "lunatic fringe" as Ketih Olbermann calls them. They will not stop, of course, until they either get their way or destroy the country in the name of "saving" it, but with larger than bare majorities in each side of the Capitol, they can be kept at bay. I am hopeful, in any case, that Obama's greatest insight is his sense of how exhausted many of us are who at least try to express concern about the country, our fellow citizens and our common place in the world. We want decent government that enables rather than hinders the possibility for all of us to have a fair shake and does not continually make excuses for systemic pathologies that are somehow either "the system's" fault or that Central Government Agency X, Y or Z can automaticallyt solve every problem without any adverse or unintended consequences. If a President Obama--whose candidacy I proudly supported--can actually move us toward that sort of politics in an enviornment where every move he makes will be hamstrung by the leftover obscenity of Frat Boy and Darth Vader, he will I believe earn a spot as one of our truly Great Presidents. We'll see--EC Prediction: 325 Obama, 213 McCain.

callmeishmael said...

If Obama wins and does so by a fairly large EC margin, he will have an opportunity to reshape more than the country and its "policies." More importantly, a President Obama can lead in the manner by which we understand ourselves to be Americans and human beings. He will be pushed, haunted and prodded by the "liberalists," of course, who are more interested in revenge and policy righteousness (disguised as "justice") than in community. A President Obama will also be hounded by the "lunatic fringe" as Ketih Olbermann calls them. They will not stop, as we know, until they either get their way or destroy the country in the name of "saving" it. With larger than bare majorities in each side of the Capitol, however, President Obama can keep them at bay. I am hopeful, in any case, that Obama's greatest insight is his sense of how exhausted many of us are who at least try to express concern about the country, our fellow citizens and our common place in the world. We want decent government that enables rather than hinders the possibility for all of us to have a fair shake, yet does not continually make excuses for systemic pathologies that are somehow either "the system's" fault or that Central Government Agency X, Y or Z can automatically solve every problem without any adverse or unintended consequences. If a President Obama--whose candidacy I proudly supported--can actually move us toward that sort of politics in an enviornment where every move he makes will be hamstrung by the leftover obscenity of Frat Boy and Darth Vader, he will, I believe, earn a spot as one of our truly Great Presidents. We'll see--EC Prediction: 325 Obama, 213 McCain.

Tom Guleff said...

As Chairman Mao says, "it’s always darkest before it’s totally black."