Monday, November 01, 2010

I want to see YOUR predictions

I would like to see in comments your predictions on the following;

TN-04 (Lincoln Davis), TN-08 (Herron vs Fincher vs Janes), TN-09 (Cohen's % vs Bergmann's %), Governor (with percentages), consolidation (split it city and county, please), and whether the Democrats get control back of the State House.

Also, your predictions on whether we keep the US House or not, and what the final D vs R numbers are in the US Senate.  My predictions will be up tonight.

Ok, readers, let er rip!

1 comment:

polar donkey said...

County: 87-13 opposed
City: 51-49 opposed

Cohen: 67
Bergman: 32

US Senate-
Rep: 47

US Congress-
Dems lose 48 seats

Haslem: 57
McWherter: 43

Dems lose state house by a lot.