Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Interesting post from the Brassmask

Polar Donkey had this interesting reply to the earlier post about the Council and the Mayor:

I hope there is 20 more indictments.But back to the mayor's race. With Cohen winning the congressional seat, no white candidate (outside of Bill Clinton) could be elected mayor.

This caused Brassmask to reflect and post at his own place, some of which is excerpted here:

This is the time for someone not of the establishment to stick their foot in the door, pry it open, stick the fire hose in and start washing out the old hacks who have dominated the local political scene for way too many years.

This is the time NOW!!

White or black would be moot in the face of a message that speaks to The People of Memphis. What is bizarre is that no one is jumping in with both feet and rocking the boat HARD.

Ok then, go read the rest of it!


Richmond said...

Steffens for Mayor!! Throw the bums out!! Elect an Illinois Yankee, a Cubs fan and (God help us) a BIG TEN apologist to sit in the Seat of Crump!!

Steve Steffens said...

Hey, whaddaya tryin' to do, scare my readers??

Anonymous said...

White or black would be moot in the face of a message that speaks to The People of Memphis. What is bizarre is that no one is jumping in with both feet and rocking the boat HARD.

Well, what would you call what I've been doing?