Thursday, February 09, 2006


My friend Joe Young, who as you know I supported for SCDP Chair last summer, has decided to run for the Democratic nomination for Shelby County Clerk, and I am supporting him for this office as well.

Republican Jayne Creson is retiring from the office, and since it appears that there is a potentially brutal GOP primary between Debbie Stamson (WIFE of JC Court Clerk Steve Stamson) and outgoing County Commissioner Marilyn Loeffel (she of FLARE fame), this is a PRIME opportunity for the Democrats to pick up a County office.

Joe is just the person to do this, in my opinion. He is a terrific administrator, is goal-oriented, and would be outstanding in this job.

As soon as I know more about logistics (HQ, how to help, any fundraising, etc) I will let you know!


David Holt said...

Go Joe!!!

Formerly Considered Moderate said...

Would love to see Joe win this race....let's make it an unopposed primary.