Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Here's how to help Obama in Memphis

From Desi Franklin:


Please excuse this blast email - I get frequent calls and emails from friends and strangers alike asking me how they can get involved here in Memphis to help elect Barack Obama president, so this email is to let you know of some positive and tangible ways you can show your support. Everyone likes to do what they are comfortable with - here are several options.

First, go to and sign up for the Neighbor to Neighbor program. On the Obama website, scroll down to Make a Difference and click on Talk to Voters. You will be given everything you need to call on voters in person or by phone. You can choose to contact voters here or in battleground states where you can make the biggest impact. I've done this. It's easy - and you can do it at your convenience.

Second, at the local headquarters (located in Eastgate Shopping Center just west of Ike's) they continue to focus on voter registration until the deadline, which is October 6. Make sure that you and all your friends and family are registered to vote. If you are interested in helping with voter registration, contact Kerry Hayes at

Third, Nika Jackson, the West Tennessee Field Coordinator for the Obama campaign, needs many things for headquarters such as office supplies, gift cards to Office Depot and Kinko's, etc. The best thing is to simply go there and ask what you can do to help as the needs change daily. Headquarters hours vary but are generally 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

Fourth, Women for Obama in Memphis are working to build support by holding fundraising and other events. This coming Saturday, there will be a Movie Night party at the home of Felicia Boyd, 5258 Quince Road, beginning at 6 p.m. A flyer about this event is attached. If you would like to hold a fundraising, phonebanking or other event, please let me know and the Women for Obama steering committee will help you with easy ideas, PR, etc.

Finally, give to Victory Memphis PAC. Some local Democrats have formed Victory Memphis PAC to purchase Obama signs, bumperstickers, etc., for distribution here in Memphis (required legal disclaimer: Victory Memphis is not affiliated with the Obama or any other campaign).

It has been very hard to obtain signs and other materials from the website lately - yet there is such a demand. Unfortunately, the local Obama campaign headquarters is unlikely to have much in the way of signs or bumper stickers given slim financial resources and the campaign's priorities of voter registration and "get out the vote" activity.

So we decided to just make it happen. Once we started, Victory Memphis quickly raised almost $3,000 and now has 3000 signs on order that should be here next week.

But those signs will be gone in a heartbeat, and we need additional contributions now to continue ordering materials. We need to act fast due to turnaround time in getting the materials. Our current goal is to raise $10,000 in the next week. This a doable goal, and amounts to just 100 people giving $100 each. Contributions in any amount are appreciated, of course. If we all participate and reach out to our friends and ask them to do the same, we can help Memphians to show our huge support for Barack.

Please send your contributions (checks payable to Victory Memphis) to me at 5169 Rich Road, Memphis TN 38117. Every penny raised will be spent directly on campaign materials for Memphis Obama supporters. I would be glad to speak to your friends or to email them, etc. about our effort. Or feel free to forward this email to others.

If any of you know of other local efforts, please let me know and I will let others know.



1 comment:

Shannon said...

Do you have any signs left?

I waited for a month to get mine in the mail from the campaign website, and then it was stolen from my yard the first night it was out there. Aaaaarrrggghhhh!!!