Saturday, May 31, 2008

All About the politics today

First, for the latest on the Florida/Michigan fight at the Rules & Bylaws Committee, go to Vibinc's live blog.

Second, for those who don't know, Emily' List has shit in its own bed AGAIN with an endorsement of Nikki Tinker, backing a corporate shill who is only nominally pro-choice over the South's most progressive Congressman. See the take of Matt Stoller of here.

Third, I attended the truly kick-ass headquarters opening of my Congressman, and there is news from there. After a music set by official Memphis Flyer Hottie Grace Askew (she is as talented musically as she looks) Steve Cohen was introduced by Councilor Myron Lowery and gave a terrific speech.

Now, about the news. Myron said to both Jackson Baker and I the following: "If the Mayor of Memphis resigns his office and there is a special election for that office, I am running." He repeated this and made sure we knew that this would be the case regardless of whether AC Wharton or Carol Chumney would enter that race.

Folks, that just made the day more interesting. Myron is one of a VERY few officials in this city who easily gets votes regardless of the area of town, and he could make this a REAL race. Wow.

Among the other elected officials there was my beloved Senator, Beverly Marrero, who confirmed to me Jackson Baker's report that Senator Rosalind Kurita refused in a Senate Democratic Caucus meeting to commit to voting for a Democrat for Senate Speaker. Enough is enough, friends.

It is never easy for me to openly oppose a sitting Democratic elected official in a primary, but I must in this instance. It is CRUCIAL that we have a Democratically-controlled State Senate, and that will not happen as long as Senator Kurita remains in her seat.

As you know, I am of the firm belief that Charles Schumer screwed her over by working to cut off her fund-raising when she ran for the US Senate, and I attacked him here for that reason. What she has failed to understand is that neither John Wilder nor Joe Haynes nor Jim Kyle had anything to do with that, and her vote for Ron Ramsey for Lt. Governor has completely undermined Democratic attempts to pass legislation. On top of all this, despite the fact she refused to commit to a Democratic candidate for Speaker, she requested campaign funds from the Caucus, I have been told.

Because of this, I must ask my fellow Democrats to aid and assist her Democratic primary opponent, Tim Barnes. His MySpace page is here, and his Facebook page is here. This is about which party will control redistricting after the 2010 Census and what type of legislation with go through the General Assembly. Since Senator Kurita has decided to put her own interests over those of her Party and her constituency, I must endorse Tim Barnes for State Senate and ask that you do as well. This is too vital for our Party.

I do this with a heavy heart, but do so I must. Please contact Tim Barnes at the links above; when the Austin Peay College Democrats got behind Tim, I should have known there was a good reason.

1 comment:

vibinc said...

Thanks for the blog pimp! Wanted to go to the Cohen thing, but I've been planning this liveblog since the date was announced. I'll have to find another time to do my first videoblog!