Wednesday, February 14, 2007

We gotta find another seat for Shea Flinn

As the man known to some of us as Senator Jan Brady continues to rock the Capitol with real progressive legislation, we need to get this man elected to another legislative position after he turns the Senate 30 seat over to (hopefully) Beverly Marrero or (not so much) Larry Parrish in mid-March.

His bill would open up the liquor industry to something known as (gasp, shock) THE FREE MARKET, allowing package liquor sales on Sunday. All of this has upset the legendary Golden Goose, Tom Hensley, liquor lobbyist par excellance, who wants to keep the booze biz tightly controlled, keeping the prices artificially higher.

Not only that, he has also introduced legislation to legalize medical marijuana in the Volunteer State, which is a very serious subject. Near and dear to my heart, he has also introduced a bill to start the process for VOTE BY MAIL! All in all, terrific work in a short period of time for a man who used to be a, well, how do I say this.....



Anonymous said...

How about state House district 89 when available?

Steve Steffens said...

We already have someone for that position, and I don't believe he resides there, anyway...

Gallagher 2007!

captainkona said...

He's welcome to move to first district and run against the shitbirds we usually have.

If y'all are willing to part with him that is. ;)

polar donkey said...

Holy Shit, Vote by Mail. Did he see my powerpoint presentation. That's awesome!

Desi Franklin said...

You say he's a thespian?

Hey, I hear I'm a lesbian.

Whaddya know? We have a lot in common, I guess.


Now about all these violins on TV....

Unknown said...

Too bad he wants to slash funding for Memphis City Schools. He has been really irresponsible in the way he has gone about this.