Thursday, April 14, 2022

You asked for it and are you going to get it!

 At the request of several, and I thank you for still wanting to know, I am presenting my choices for the Democratic County Primary to select nominees for the County General Election in August.  Early Voting begins at the satellite sites on Monday, April 18 and continues through Thursday, April 28.  There was EV at the downtown location ONLY on Wednesday and Thursday this week.  This was because most of the sites were churches.  (NOTE: with as many SECULAR, GOVERNMENT RELATED FACILITIES such as SCHOOLS and FIRE STATIONS, why are we still renting churches?  I feel a post coming on about that, but not now.)

I am not getting into the County Commission races except for the one I have been redistricted into, the new District 13, which will be represented by Commissioner Michael Whaley, the Democrat formerly from District 5, which was moved to Cordova.  He is unopposed, so I will vote for him.

I am not picking in the Republican Primary because I never vote in that Primary and if I DID choose anyone, they would be called RINOs get beaten badly.  So, there is that.

Also, as Democrats hold all but one County office, my watchword, for the most part, will be to support incumbents.  If it isn't broke, don't fix it.  Since the only one that IS broken is the one the Republicans hold, and since it appears to be first on the ballot, let's go pick a good Democrat for that seat, shall we?


 First, all three of the candidates running in our primary would do a much superior job that the current incumbent, who has held her job for 14 years and worked as a prosecutor there for over 30.  Simply put, let me ask you this question: ARE YOU SAFER NOW THAN YOU WERE 8 YEARS AGO?

Of course not.  That's because what that entire office has done for half a century HAS NOT WORKED. We have to try a different approach, and each of the candidates would try a new approach and give the County a chance to move into the 21st Century.   

The candidates are former County Commissioner, former Assistant US Attorney and current UM Law professor Steve Mulroy, attorney Janika White and Linda Harris, also a former Federal Prosecutor and former Memphis Police officer.

That means the question at hand is, which one?  As a Democrat who wants change, the question I ask is this: Which of the candidates is best positioned to defeat the current incumbent in August?  I believe it is former County Commissioner Steve Mulroy.  

Not only has Mulroy proven knowledgeable about what the job entails, he knows how to run the race necessary to defeat the current incumbent and take the job and the office in a better direction.  As he CAN win, I support STEVE MULROY for this office.


If this office did not have a Democratic incumbent, I would very much be inclined to vote for Ken Moody, special assistant to Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland.  I have voted for him before when he ran for a clerk position.  I know he had some issues when working for former Mayors Willie Herenton and AC Wharton.  However, under the Strickland Administration, he has really shown to be a solid leader who gets things done for the City.  Personally, I think he is terrific as a person and as a public servant.

Having said that, we DO have an incumbent County Mayor in Lee Harris, and Mayor Harris understands the differences in the jobs of County Mayor and Memphis Mayor, which is a much more hands-on position.  This allows Mayor Harrs to take a different tack in the County Mayor's office, taking more partisan positions for what IS a partisan office.  Just as Mayor Strickland's style of management fits City government like a glove, Harris is perfectly suited for the office of County Mayor.  He will be leading the Democrats into battle in August, and he is just the person I want to be there this year.  I support LEE HARRIS for our nomination for County Mayor.


MELVIN BURGESS has done a fine job as our Assessor, in addition to keeping the appraisals current, he has a project to raise values, leading to more investment, in one of the city's most depressed areas, Orange Mound.  Again, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.  Four more years for MELVIN BURGESS.


Not just because she has been my friend for (muffled sounds) years, but because her work has been recognized as one of the best in Tennessee, REGINA MORRISON NEWMAN is unopposed in the Democratic Primary for good reason, and she has earned your vote and mine now and in August.  Enough said.


I know that a few Democrats may not be happy with incumbent Sheriff FLOYD BONNER, who has no primary opposition and only a few Independents in August.  Republicans knew better than to send up a sacrificial lamb and waste their efforts.  He received more votes than ANY OTHER CANDIDATE in the August 2018 county elections, and will again this year.  He is a veteran of the SCSO and understands what the job requires.  Again, four more years!


The candidates are incumbent Temiika Gipson, who surprisingly won the primary 4 years ago and was swept into office that August.  While I have heard nothing about how the office has been run (admittedly, a very good sign for a clerk's office) she has drawn opposition from City Councilor Jamita Swearengen, who is in the next to last year of her last term.  She is also from a very prominent political family; her father James Swearengen was a well-respected judge in Shelby County, and her aunt Barbara Swearengen Holt Ware was a legendary Councilor who could get seven votes on almost any issue she wanted.  I have yet to decide, I need to do more research, I will let you know how I voted after I make up my mind.


The incumbent, Heidi Kuhn, is seeking a second term in the office, and is opposed by Maeve Briggs Bernard, who either has or still does work in that office, and Carla Jean Stotts, who lost to Kuhn four years ago.  I am supporting HEIDI KUHN for re-nomination and re-election because she has done a fine job, particularly for one of her great projects, working to expunge criminal records for those who have paid their debts to society, helping them become more attractive to employers and reducing recidivism among them.  Four more years!


REGINALD MILTON is far and away the best possible choice for Democrats to succeed the outgoing Janis Fullilove.  He is a term-limited County Commissioner who is and has always been the ultimate public servant.  Before being elected to the Commission in 2014, and since, he is the founder and creator of the non-profit organization South Memphis Alliance, which has worked to assist lower income residents of the area, and has been tireless in his efforts for his District, the City and County as a whole.  He will be the type of leader we MUST have to reform the Juvenile Court system, as he understands County Government like very few.  REGINALD MILTON is my choice.


BILL MORRISON is the incumbent and has done a solid job in that position and is deserving of another term.  He is opposed by outgoing District 12 Commissioner Eddie Jones and former candidate William Chism Jr.; however, neither have provided solid reasons to replace Morrison.  Four more years!


I have ALWAYS voted for Wanda Halbert for an office when the opportunity presented itself.  Her office helped implement the system where you can pay for your vehicle registration online and have tags or license plates mailed to your home in Shelby County.  I am a little troubled by the fact that there seems to be confusion on the funding of her office, but I think she has otherwise done a good job.  She face tough opposition in the primary in William Stovall, the Chief Administrative Officer for General Sessions Court Clerk Joe Brown, who has solid experience and is more than capable of running an office.  In addition, Arriell Q. Gipson, daughter of Circuit Court Clerk Temiika Gipson, joins Stovall and Mondell Williams in attempting to oust Wanda Halbert.  UPDATE: Thanks to Gale Jones Carson for coming to my rescue to let me know that Arriell Q. Gipson is not Clerk Temiika Gipson's SISTER but her DAUGHTER.  My apologies to all involved.

All in all, I am going to vote for her this time, so four more years for WANDA HALBERT.


Like Circuit Court Clerk Temiika Gipson, Shelandra Yvette Ford was a surprise winner in the 2018 Primary and General Election, upsetting incumbent Tom Leatherwood.  Like Gipson, I have heard little about her operation of the office, which is a good sign.

She has fierce opposition from outgoing District 6 County Commissioner Willie Brooks, who has been raising a large campaign chest, with impressive lists of supporters.  Wanda Logan Faulkner is also seeking the nomination,   While Brooks has had an impressive eight years as a Commissioner, I am not sure why he is running.  So, unless someone provides solid reasons to do otherwise, I am going to support SHELANDRA YVETTE FORD for a second term as REGISTER OF DEEDS.

Like my choices?  Say so in the Comments!  Think I am full of crap?  You better give a defensible reason in the comments.  Like some, hate some?  COMMENT!!!!

All right, going to sit back and see what you think, and as always, thank you for reading.



Mphs.Steve said...

I agree with you on the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" approach in regards to supporting this batch of incumbents. Like you, my wife & I have a new district. We're in district 4 now which means we'll be supporting Britney Chauncey who I don't know much about outside of what I could find on the Memphis Library's Meet The Candidates webpage & LinkedIn. I haven't taken a close look at the map for the new district 4 but I imagine it was gerrymandered so that I will continue to tilt against red windmills.

Johnny 3D6 said...

Have to disagree on Wanda Halbert. Understanding how the office is funded after running it for four years isn't optional. As is, Halbert's alleging fraud that the state auditor can't find, while the County Commission is requiring her to submit a corrective action plan for unspecified issues.

Also there's the business with Halbert engaging in petty sniping at Harris's plans to fund MATA because he talked to the county commission before her office, and constant reports of extreme delays with car tags and plates. If all of that isn't enough to vote for a challenger, is anything that doesn't involve criminal charges enough? I'm voting for William Stovall with the hope of hearing less about the County Clerk's office in the news.