Sunday, January 10, 2010


I am taking a short, but NOT permanent break, from LWC, maybe about a week. I am trying to keep things as normal as possible for my four-legged children, and it seems to be working.

I am going back to work tomorrow, and I am sure I will have moments, I have them here, but they subside and I go on.

All of you who were there at the hospital, who sent messages of love and concern when you couldn't be at the hospital, you who have kept my refrigerator filled, but more than anything else you who have kept my heart filled with love and support, you have kept me going and shown me that I am the most fortunate human alive to have you for friends. No matter if you live in Memphis, Hoots, Bristol, Nashville, upstate New York, South Korea, Jackson, TN and MS, Little Rock, or wherever you reside, I love and cherish all of you for enveloping our family in love and support.

It will not be forgotten.

I'm taking a few days, then I will be back with interesting news about a new project, but this blog WILL continue, because, as I told Jim Strickland at the wake, I will be back to annoy everyone soon.

Back in a week.


callmeishmael said...

Give yourself two weeks or two years if need be. The world can wait...

chipfortn2011 said...

Truly love ya,Steve. You make it so easy. Call anytime you want.

captainkona said...


A little R&R never hurt anyone.