Thursday, May 11, 2006

A REAL Democrat would not have voted for this.

Harold Ford JUNIOR voted for the extension of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy today, joining Marsha Blackburn, Roger Wicker, and 15 other Quisling Democrats to gut the budget.

Yes, it would have passed anyway. That does NOT mean that he should have voted against the interests of his own district and it proves yet again why he is NOT trustworthy as the Democratic nominee for the United State Senate.

Do not hand me any more bullshit about we need him to vote for Harry Reid for Majority Leader; if he is THAT big a whore, how can you be sure that he will?

Harold Ford (the REAL one) always voted in the best interests of his district, and for his efforts, got indicted and had to fight battles against the establishment the entire 22 years he served us in Congress.

Harold Ford JUNIOR serves no one but himself and his own gain. No, I will not vote for him.

Not now, not ever again.


polar donkey said...

Just remember 39% and low turnout. Junior will be gone and our chance of taking a senate seat.

kibitzer said...

Civil question: At what point does the pronoun "our" cease to have any meaning? Who is this "we," for God's sake?

Anonymous said...

This had me LOL. Ludicrous.

Brassmask said...

Speak the truth and shame the devil, Cracker.

And is that the only reason we need Ford? To vote for Harry Reid? I gotta say, I'm not that in a hurry to see Reid running stuff.

Chris Davis said...

Folks, I'd rather fight back in baby steps--- win the house this go-round, Senate the next-- than send a WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING, A PRETENDER, A FAKE ON THE TAKE, ETC ET AL--- to the Senate. I'm firmly convinced Junior will, eventually, switch parties or become (I) at least. His votes on these kinds of issues suggest as much. So where's the value for the Democrat? Does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his imortal soul?

kibitzer said...

The operating principle of this thing is now quite clear: With the limited exception of a few votes friendly to those remaining Democratic constituencies that help pay his bills (e.g., organized labor), Harold Jr. will vote exclusively and invaryingly (a) the way he thinks the three Republicans in the Senate race would vote (so as not to give any of them an issue against him ); or (b) the way his principal donors (e.g., the credit card industry) prefer him to.

No exceptions. Anything that even looks like an exception will turn out to be merely a case of rwarding another donor.

The only thing that will keep him on the Democratic side at all, if elected to the Senate, is his ambition (whetted by an obedient mediocracy) to become a vice-presidential or presi8dential nominee. But even that motive can be co-opted. Think about it.

Serious question: Whose victory would do more long-term damage to the Democratic Party: Ford's? Corker's? Hilleary's? Bryant's?

kibitzer said...

"Yes, I voted for the plebiscite authorizing the invasion of Poland, but IT WOULD HAVE PASSED ANYWAY. Just like the anti-Jewish measures that everyone is so hot and bothered by. "

The Christian Progressive Liberal said...

Can a sista from DC comment here? What Brassmark said - there's no guarantee Ford's gonna remember he's a Democrat; in fact, he goes out of his way to remember he's African-American, so you can expect he'll sling his party affiliation under a bus and become an Independent Rethug.

Now, watch how the trolls flame what I said, when there's eight comments basically saying the same thing. Don't you wonder why I get flamed and you don't? LOL

The Christian Progressive Liberal said...

I should have said "goes out of his way not to remember he's African-American"

kibitzer said...

Sorry,GCantStandYa, I was just following orders. And besides, somebody would have said it anyway.

Steve Steffens said...

I'd like to explore the theme here of "Kurita couldn't win".

Kurita A) represents a conservative, GOP-leaning Senate district, B) has been ENDORSED by the NRA, but C) votes a Democratic line economically. She would not have been hurt by family associations, and she would not have had the baggage of race.

She would have focused the race on economic issues, which is a Democratic winner.

had she been the nominee, how could she NOT have won?

Brassmask said...

Hey, dwayneearl,

Although I don't support Jr.'s ambiguous positions, I can see the longterm goal, i.e., winning.

What's the point? Do you think he will magically start voting for his constituents once he "wins"? Wake up, dude.

If the things were going to pass anyway, why not show his true D colors and vote against it to show that he still has principles?!?!?!

No, he'd rather suck to the right and cast off the people who he is supposed to be representing and vote FOR it. JEZUSS, DUDE.